Impasto Painter

Marlow resident Richard Grinter is an Impasto oil painter. Impasto is a style of painting using thick paint. The paint will hold the imprint ofyour brush or palette. This style rejects his old graphic designer work and frees him up to concentrate on mood and the emotion in a scene. For Richard,it is what a scene feels like, rather than what it looks like.Richard told us about one recent experience: “Painting at the bottom of Marlow High Street I was challenged by strong winds. At one point the wind lifted up my easel and deposited it, plus the contents of my palette, face down onto the ground. Luckily the painting survived, and the only damage was a bruise to my head. The day ended successfully though as I bumped into local celebrity Chris Evans, who purchased the painting there and then. Exhausted,but satisfied, I felt the Sunday glass of wine had been well and truly earnt”.Alongside working in Waitrose at Handy Cross, Richard teaches painting classes at The Odney Club in Cookham (by appointment). He also takes painting groups of up to 5 people on Marlow Bridge, teaching the basic principles of oil painting, watercolour painting, composition, colour palette and application techniques.He has featured paintings in several exhibitions, including one in Paris. If you fancy learning a new skill, contact Richard via


Open Water Painting

